What's a swipe or 4 of some old chocolate frosting in the fridge? At what point am I cheating?
Is cheating when I feel full, or is it when the slightest taste of something other than my raw foods, touches my lips?
Fuck my life. You know, I really was under the impression that I had a bit more self control than I'm currently exuding. I had no idea I had such a relationship with food that I couldn't stick to something for more than a day.
J is not home, he is out for the night so I'm here. I'm here with Jim Adkins and another bowl of watermelon thinking, what next? What do I really hope to gain out of this?
Honestly, I've learned quite a bit so far. I know more about what I think about food and how certain food makes me feel. I've also learned I'm a dirty, dirty liar!
I should go to bed, but the baby has decided she doesn't need to sleep so let's party it up at 10:40 PM. That's not my kind of party. My party involves me, a Digornio Supreme Pizza, and the shades down.
Tomorrow is another day, and as my "followers" slowly grow, I've realized I have a lot more riding on this than two beautiful new bottles of Essie nail polish. If I fail, I fail all of you. Well, that just can't happen. What kind of fuckery have I gotten myself into? How did this even come about? I can't remember, all I know is I'm staring at the kitchen wondering wondering if the light flickering is its sneaky way of beckoning me to the cabinet to nosh on a spoonful of chocolate frosting (which is probably expired, yeah...I know, I never said this would be pretty).
J isn't going to know about what happened while he was out tonight. Is it fibbing? Maybe, maybe just a little.
Should I fess up? I can't let him win and I certainly can't give him the impression that I am unable to continue with this health experiment! I can, it was a moment of weakness and it's only day three for fuck's sake! It's not like I'm on day 15 and an aficionado at using my oven as a dehydrator for bell pepper 'crackers'. Most people trying to quit smoking are given a little more leeway than this.
Tomorrow is the true test. Tomorrow I visit my mother and she has all sorts of beautiful things lining her cupboards and refrigerator (why do I think that word has a "d" in it?).
Listening To: Bleed American by Jimmy Eat World
This is a blog detailing each day of my 30 day raw trial. I am attempting a raw diet, and for 30 days am going to describe my groceries, and my daily struggles and discoveries.

April 30, 2011
Ye of Little Faith
The ante has been upped, mother fuckers.
J does not think I can even last a week on this raw food deal. His proof is yesterday's epic fail. Okay, I'll give that to him. But to have ZERO faith in me at all?
We'll see about that. If I can go a week (to may 6th) sticking with my raw food challenge (duh), then I get to pick an Essie nail polish of my choice.
So, which should I pick? Watermelon, tarte deco, peach daquiri or cute as a button? Hell, I might pick two.
I made a cantaloupe smoothie. Disgusting. In fact, it was so gross I don't think I can eat regular cantaloupe again. I also went to the store to buy a watermelon so I've been eating that. I'd like something hardier, so I may chop up some carrots but I don't feel like doing much work.
J does not think I can even last a week on this raw food deal. His proof is yesterday's epic fail. Okay, I'll give that to him. But to have ZERO faith in me at all?
We'll see about that. If I can go a week (to may 6th) sticking with my raw food challenge (duh), then I get to pick an Essie nail polish of my choice.
So, which should I pick? Watermelon, tarte deco, peach daquiri or cute as a button? Hell, I might pick two.
I made a cantaloupe smoothie. Disgusting. In fact, it was so gross I don't think I can eat regular cantaloupe again. I also went to the store to buy a watermelon so I've been eating that. I'd like something hardier, so I may chop up some carrots but I don't feel like doing much work.
Day 3
I'm down one pound.
This morning I had some granola type cereal with coconut milk. I love coconut milk. I haven't had anything else to eat yet. I feel slightly hungry, so when the baby wakes up I may make a smoothie.
I bought some carrots to go with the hummus I already had in the fridge. I went to go eat some last night and read the ingredients on the hummus container. There is potassium sorbate in it....great. Guess I won't be eating that.
This morning I had some granola type cereal with coconut milk. I love coconut milk. I haven't had anything else to eat yet. I feel slightly hungry, so when the baby wakes up I may make a smoothie.
I bought some carrots to go with the hummus I already had in the fridge. I went to go eat some last night and read the ingredients on the hummus container. There is potassium sorbate in it....great. Guess I won't be eating that.
April 29, 2011
Fuck Day 2
In the words of my boyfriend:
"Wow, you didn't fall off the wagon...you jumped!"
I did. I jumped. I am so utterly disappointed in myself. I exhibited zero self control. I was hungry, I had nothing on me to eat, and so we ate at Applebee's. I felt like CRAP afterward but it didn't end there. No, then I decided I might as well enjoy my deceitful ways and get a frappucino from Starbucks. Yeah, that shit costs as much as a gallon of gas and I enjoyed EVERY sip of it.
Except now, I have a raging (boner) headache and horrible cramps.
I consider this a personal experiment. I was my own guinea pig, and I have all the answers I need. Tomorrow we start a new, and there's no way I'm screwing that up. I do not want to feel like this again. I'm bloated, tired, achy, and generally feel like a pudgy excuse for a human being.
The food was not worth it, but the decision to "jump" and feeling the consequences certainly were. I can remember this and learn from it. It's like the time I quit drinking any and all carbonated beverages, but especially soda. After a few months I reached for a cherry Pepsi, and enjoyed drinking the entire thing. Until I was finished, and a few minutes later an awful headache and heartburn followed.
Now that I think about it, a Cherry Pepsi sounds fantastic right now.
I should go drink some water.
J is setting up monopoly. He's trying to get me drunk so we have sex. I guess I'll play along. This alcohol (it's just a Mike's Hard!) is really strong and I'm really tipsy right now. Like. I'm slurring me words and only the head of the bottle is gone. I don't drink, and I know this isn't "raw approved" but that's definitely okay because today is officially "bandwagon day". Like I said, tomorrow we start over and I'll have a smoothie and start my sprouts and make sure I stay as diligent as I started. I am disappointed in myself and I'm really tipsy. J is talking about "sets" in monopoly but I think he keeps throwing in the word "sex" instead and is trying to trick me. I swear he is.
I'm going to go kick some ass in monopoly. If I start losing I'll just take my shirt off.
"Wow, you didn't fall off the wagon...you jumped!"
I did. I jumped. I am so utterly disappointed in myself. I exhibited zero self control. I was hungry, I had nothing on me to eat, and so we ate at Applebee's. I felt like CRAP afterward but it didn't end there. No, then I decided I might as well enjoy my deceitful ways and get a frappucino from Starbucks. Yeah, that shit costs as much as a gallon of gas and I enjoyed EVERY sip of it.
Except now, I have a raging (boner) headache and horrible cramps.
I consider this a personal experiment. I was my own guinea pig, and I have all the answers I need. Tomorrow we start a new, and there's no way I'm screwing that up. I do not want to feel like this again. I'm bloated, tired, achy, and generally feel like a pudgy excuse for a human being.
The food was not worth it, but the decision to "jump" and feeling the consequences certainly were. I can remember this and learn from it. It's like the time I quit drinking any and all carbonated beverages, but especially soda. After a few months I reached for a cherry Pepsi, and enjoyed drinking the entire thing. Until I was finished, and a few minutes later an awful headache and heartburn followed.
Now that I think about it, a Cherry Pepsi sounds fantastic right now.
I should go drink some water.
J is setting up monopoly. He's trying to get me drunk so we have sex. I guess I'll play along. This alcohol (it's just a Mike's Hard!) is really strong and I'm really tipsy right now. Like. I'm slurring me words and only the head of the bottle is gone. I don't drink, and I know this isn't "raw approved" but that's definitely okay because today is officially "bandwagon day". Like I said, tomorrow we start over and I'll have a smoothie and start my sprouts and make sure I stay as diligent as I started. I am disappointed in myself and I'm really tipsy. J is talking about "sets" in monopoly but I think he keeps throwing in the word "sex" instead and is trying to trick me. I swear he is.
I'm going to go kick some ass in monopoly. If I start losing I'll just take my shirt off.
Day 2
Today is day 2 and I've had a green smoothie that I've been nursing since noon. I really don't have much of an appetite and when I feel hungry I just drink this.
I think I should get some iron vitamins today so I do not become deficient in anything while I'm learning the raw ropes. Sometimes I think I'm doing this wrong, but if the point is to eat food in its natural state, that eliminates almost everything except for fruits and vegetables.
I'd love a buffalo wing, though. Oh man. We're heading into town as soon as J gets out of the shower, just for something to do. There is an Applebee's and Jimmy John's, and Quiznos. Oh, the temptation is astounding. And all the Easter candy is on sale, 50-60% off. My little cookies and cream eggs are just sitting there, waiting to come home with me.
I think I'll cave and get some sushi at the grocery store. At the very least, rice should be okay, right? I mean, it's rice, what's wrong with rice?
I think I know the answer to that.
I think I should get some iron vitamins today so I do not become deficient in anything while I'm learning the raw ropes. Sometimes I think I'm doing this wrong, but if the point is to eat food in its natural state, that eliminates almost everything except for fruits and vegetables.
I'd love a buffalo wing, though. Oh man. We're heading into town as soon as J gets out of the shower, just for something to do. There is an Applebee's and Jimmy John's, and Quiznos. Oh, the temptation is astounding. And all the Easter candy is on sale, 50-60% off. My little cookies and cream eggs are just sitting there, waiting to come home with me.
I think I'll cave and get some sushi at the grocery store. At the very least, rice should be okay, right? I mean, it's rice, what's wrong with rice?
I think I know the answer to that.
April 28, 2011
Day One, take two
I decided to go grocery shopping today instead of tomorrow. I have nothing in the house I can eat. I think this was an epic fail of a trip, honestly. I bought a bag of oranges, two things of kale, a big bag of frozen fruit for smoothies, a bag of broccoli, a bag of raw almonds, black strap molasses & whole psyllium husks for a colon cleanse, alfalfa seeds (fuck my life forgot to get a jar...hopefully a clean pickle jar will work) to make sprouts, and....two bags of veggie chips.
I know. I know. It's not raw. But they're VEGETABLE CHIPS! They're amazing. I ate some on the way home though now I feel like an awful failure so I think I may hide the bags until my 30 days are up...if I decide to go back to eating anything else.
This is proving to be more difficult than I imagined.
So I'm here, enjoying the rest of my green smoothie. The baby is eating pasta, corn and watermelon. After she's done we're going to go on a nice walk. After a week of clouds, cold, wind and rain, we finally have a gorgeous 70 degree sunny day. Unfortunately, that reminds me I need to fix the A/C in my car before it gets too hot.
I know. I know. It's not raw. But they're VEGETABLE CHIPS! They're amazing. I ate some on the way home though now I feel like an awful failure so I think I may hide the bags until my 30 days are up...if I decide to go back to eating anything else.
This is proving to be more difficult than I imagined.
So I'm here, enjoying the rest of my green smoothie. The baby is eating pasta, corn and watermelon. After she's done we're going to go on a nice walk. After a week of clouds, cold, wind and rain, we finally have a gorgeous 70 degree sunny day. Unfortunately, that reminds me I need to fix the A/C in my car before it gets too hot.
Day One
This is the official day one of my 30 day raw diet trial. I started the morning off with a lot of watermelon. I took a B vitamin and another anti-oxidant vitamin (that tastes like ass). For lunch I made a green smoothie that consisted of bananas, peaches, pineapple, strawberries, and a lot of spinach and a few other greens. It had a distinct leafy after taste, but I didn't mind. J, my boyfriend, was not a fan.
I really want something crunchy right now but the only crunchy thing in the cabinet is a bag of Tostitos chips. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day. Protein powder, fruits, vegetables, and I'm going to try to find alfalfa seeds to grow alfalfa sprouts. I need to review my list of raw recipes so I don't go to the store and walk to the frozen pizza aisle like a zombie.
I'm currently weighing in at 194 lbs. My long term goal weight is to be at 135lbs by Christmas, and my short term goal weight is to be at 150lbs by the Fourth of July. I would say that is my initial inspiration for going on this raw food diet. I don't mean "diet" as in a fad, I mean "diet" in terms of what I eat.
I have no idea what I'm going to have for dinner. Maybe I'll take the cantaloupe I bought yesterday and make another smoothie. It wasn't quite ripe so it tastes a little off. I'm still hungry so I might eat some cashews. I imagine those are safe on the raw diet food list, but I'll have to check the ingredient list.
I asked J if he wanted in on this raw diet thing. He said no. He said I'm "crazy" - in an endearing way, I suppose. He knows I have good intentions but he's seen me devour Easter candy like it's the last bag in the world. Actually, I ate a chocolate cross the other day. I apologized to God while eating it, but it tasted so good. I felt awful afterward, both physically and mentally.
Well, I lost a bet and I have to give J a blow job. I suppose I should go fulfill my duties to remain honorable...and so he will shut the fuck up about it.
Is semen raw-approved?
I really want something crunchy right now but the only crunchy thing in the cabinet is a bag of Tostitos chips. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day. Protein powder, fruits, vegetables, and I'm going to try to find alfalfa seeds to grow alfalfa sprouts. I need to review my list of raw recipes so I don't go to the store and walk to the frozen pizza aisle like a zombie.
I'm currently weighing in at 194 lbs. My long term goal weight is to be at 135lbs by Christmas, and my short term goal weight is to be at 150lbs by the Fourth of July. I would say that is my initial inspiration for going on this raw food diet. I don't mean "diet" as in a fad, I mean "diet" in terms of what I eat.
I have no idea what I'm going to have for dinner. Maybe I'll take the cantaloupe I bought yesterday and make another smoothie. It wasn't quite ripe so it tastes a little off. I'm still hungry so I might eat some cashews. I imagine those are safe on the raw diet food list, but I'll have to check the ingredient list.
I asked J if he wanted in on this raw diet thing. He said no. He said I'm "crazy" - in an endearing way, I suppose. He knows I have good intentions but he's seen me devour Easter candy like it's the last bag in the world. Actually, I ate a chocolate cross the other day. I apologized to God while eating it, but it tasted so good. I felt awful afterward, both physically and mentally.
Well, I lost a bet and I have to give J a blow job. I suppose I should go fulfill my duties to remain honorable...and so he will shut the fuck up about it.
Is semen raw-approved?
April 26, 2011
For the past few years I've had awful back spasms, headaches, grogginess, and a general desire to start my body over with a clean slate.
I started by eliminating carbonated beverages and juice that wasn't 100%, and drinking more water. It was a good start, but it clearly wasn't enough because I continued to feel how a contortionist looks. When I realized something wasn't right when I didn't have the ability to put my legs over my shoulders
Mentally, I had a check list. Exercise, be well rested, eat healthy! I began researching ingredients in the food in my cabinent.
Well fuck me, surely this must be the culprit. Last I checked, I can't find yellow #5 or mono sodium glutamate in my neighbor's garden. I immediately eliminated all processed food from my diet, except for the occasional temptation spurred by a waft of a McDonald's. When I became pregnant, my desire to eat healthy grew stronger, but my abilities became weaker.
A year after giving birth I've started paying attention to my body more. I want to be healthy so I have decided to slowly transition from my quasi-healthy lifestyle, to a raw food diet. I'm going to try and chronicle my progress here and post recipes and transitional tips as I find them.
Enjoy my journey - albeit painful and difficult I believe I'm doing this for the best.
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